Innovation domains

Self-organisation has applications in numerous areas, from computing to interpersonal systems. Our innovation domains represent overlapping themes where the benefits of self-organization can create lasting synergies for all parties involved.

Additional projects

All innovation domains have a project related to their field. The remaining projects not related to any innovation domain are listed here. Click on one of the tiles below if you wish to learn more about one of our additional projects.

Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications

Duration: 9/2019 – 8/2022  

Funding: ECSEL

Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies

Duration: 6/2018 – 5/2022  

Funding: H2020

Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms

Duration: 3/2008 – 9/2013  

Funding: FP7

Creating a technological framework to move towards the secure integration of certified drones into airspace.

A paradigm to transform rural areas in sustainable development demonstration ‘laboratories’ that leverage their cultural and natural heritage.

Developing swarms of autonomous micro-robots that can self-assemble into larger organisms.

Rotterdam Open Data 2.0

Duration: 10/2011 – 10/2012  

Funding: Rotterdam Media Commission

Drones technologies for safe and reliable capabilities in extended beyond visual line of sight operations

Duration: 05/2020 – 05/2023  Funding: ESCEL  

Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems

Duration: 05/2021 – 05/2024  

Funding: ECSEL             

Making government and municipal data publicly available through a content hub.

Rendering drones as a safe and efficient component of the mobility mix, with differentiated, safe and reliable capabilities in extended BVLOS operations.

Distributed artificial intelligent system. Focusing on IoT and edge computing.

A Knowledge-Based Information Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities

Duration: 03/2015 – 03/2018 

Funding: H2020 

Advancing Energy-Efficient Embedded AI for a Smarter, Sustainable Europe

Duration: 06/2023 – 06/2026
Funding: Horizon Europe


Developing technologies for a human-like socially competent and communicative agent.

Developing neural network infrastructure integrated with open-source components, enhancing energy-efficient embedded AI systems.

More info?

Need specific information regarding our innovation domains? Please contact our senior consultant for more information.

Jan Kraaijeveld

Senior consultant

+31 (0)10 404 9444