Automated Self-Protection and Self-Healing Software Solutions
Duration: 01/2014 – 07/2016 Funding: ITEA2, Information Technology for European Advancement
Partners: Devlab Academy, TU Eindhoven, Siveco, Ware Valley, AltFactor
The aim of the ProHeal project is to demonstrate the usage of self-managing properties inside software systems for elderly care on top of the Internet of Things networks. The consortium studied self-managing properties, principles, algorithms, and performance metrics and applied a subset of them to existing technologies for elderly care.
The consortium validated the results in the pilot ‘Health care for elderly people including support for daily life and e-learning’. The pilot is developed in the participating countries (the Netherlands, Romania and South Korea). An integrated setup of the validation is realized in Romania in a smart environment with secure data storage and processing facilities, integrating the IoT devices and services into a self-managing system.
Almende has taken part in the projects as a member of the Dutch DevLab, in which 12 technological Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) are united. DevLab implemented innovative self-managing mechanisms inside the MyriaNed wireless sensor networks and various other devices, as well as inside some prototypical implementation of elderly care applications.
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