App platform to empower and assist seniors with smartphones
Duration: 04/2021 – 09/2023
The smartphone is growing to become the gateway for social contacts, information, and services. Being able to use smartphone functions significantly lowers elderly user’s vulnerability and connects them to family, peers, and to formal support networks. However, the complexity of today’s smartphones prevent many primary users from utilizing their services adequately.
For their family and friends, it is a challenge to assess the well-being of primary users when they are physically separated. Smartphone applications can be a tool to monitor and improve the well-being of a primary user as long as the primary user is willing and able to use his device regularly. Easierphone improves smartphone adaptation for primary users and enables secondary users to monitor and improve the primary user’s well-being.
Easierphone empowers primary users to effectively use a smartphone. This is achieved by simplifying the interface and core applications, and by enabling secondary users to remotely assist them. Comfort and well-being of both primary and secondary users are improved. Easierphone is an open and expendable platform. It is uniquely adaptable to the abilities of the primary user. For easy support, the primary user’s screen is mirrored on the secondary user’s device. A machine-learning algorithm detects changes in the well-being of the primary user by analysing smartphone usage patterns and geolocation data without needing an external monitoring device.
Almende is the main software developer for the project, and is responsible for the software architecture, UI, integration and bug fixing of the entire app, plus the implementation of two new innovative modules.
The project provides valuable experience with regards to software architecture and concurrency. There are a few major challenges involved in the implementation of this project, chiefly: sharing and editing of one person’s settings across multiple users and devices, and making calling easier than ever with the One Touch Call functionality.
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