Automated self-Protection and self-Healing software solutions
Duration: 1/2014 – 6/2016 Funding: ITEA2
Partners: Devlab, TU Eindhoven, WareValley
In 2001, IBM suggested the concept of Autonomic Computing that envisioned systems with the capability to perform changes autonomously, without or with minimal human intervention, during its execution. The main properties of autonomic systems, also called self-management systems, are: self-configuration, selfhealing, self-protection and self-optimisation. There is an increasing demand for these properties among many software systems deployed in dynamically changing environments, such as smart buildings, healthcare systems, disaster management, etc.
Such systems must be able to easily adapt at runtime in response to changes in their user preferences, requirements, computing infrastructure and surrounding physical environment. For this reason, these systems must be flexible, fault-tolerant, configurable and secure. Current software solutions are not adequate for developing self-management systems. Therefore, the aim of the PRO-HEAL project was to create and demonstrate methods and tools for producing / assessing self-managing systems on top of Internet of Things (IoT) networks.
Almende took part in the project as a member of the Dutch DevLab, in which 12 technological Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) were united. DevLab implemented innovative self-managing mechanisms inside the MyriaNed wireless sensor network in combination with the Crownstone mesh to develop a prototypical implementation of an elderly care application.
The principle of software which can autonomously optimize itself to changes in its operating parameters or external factors is an interesting concept which has led to insights for our future software and algorithm development. Furthermore, the application areas of the project, specifically for elderly care, have inspired new projects in this area.
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