Interaction for Universal Access
Duration: 10/2011 – 10/2015 Funding: COMMIT
Partners: Universiteit Twente, TU Delft, Thales, TNO, Politie, Broadfield Security Services, Cinop, Cybermind, KITT Engineering, Noldus, Re-lion, T-Xchange, Vicar Vision
The IUALL (I, You, All) project started from the idea that anybody should be able to interact with computer systems. Universal Access calls for systems that are designed also for people with, for instance, low-literacy skills, small children, those living outside their native country, the elderly and even those with severe disabilities. The project approached this design challenge in two ways. First by investigating technology with social intelligence and second by investigating and producing tools for IT designers to help them design for all.
As a test-case, the project resulted in a mixed reality learning environment, where people can learn about a new neighbourhood. Users can navigate through a digital environment, adding information, such as text, video and pictures, but also subjective information about social benefits and risks. Other users can thus learn not only about physical aspects and facts, but also about the social environment.
Almende contributed its expertise in situational awareness and interpreting sensor data. Using smartphones and ambient sensors, information about people and their surroundings will be collected and interpreted. The CommonSense platform developed by spin-off company Sense Observation Systems was used to collect and share these data between participants.
The project contributed to our expertise in using smartphones and ambients sensors to gather contextual information about people's states and the situational aspects influencing it, which had interesting applications for behavior change. Our spin-off company Sense Observation Systems applied this expertise further, in practical behavior change applications for health and wellbeing.
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