Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub)Systems
Duration: 6/2013 – 1/2016 Funding: Artemis-IA
Partners: Security Matters, Devlab, Thales, TNO, TU/e, Inabensa, HI iberia, I&IMS, Tecnalia, Universidad Politecnica Madrid, Universitat de Girona, iCiE, Università di Cagliari, CPL Concordia, Brno University of Technology, IMA, PCPD, Vemco, Politechnika Gdanska, BetterSolutions, Azo Digital, Enspirion, University of Eastern Finland, Hurja Solutions, Datactica, Instituto de Telecomunicações, CMSF, INEA, Institut Jozef Stefan, Acciona
Many automated urban systems – like traffic lights, energy distribution grids, and outdoor lighting – are managed by self-contained embedded systems. This is an undesirable situation, because these systems are highly co-dependent, on each other, and on the behaviour of people.
In ACCUS, the project partners developed the necessary infrastructure to integrate (sub)urban embedded systems into a system-of-systems, allowing them to cooperate. Such a system-of-systems improves (energy)efficiency and their ability to adapt to and anticipate human behaviour. The ACCUS infrastructure was expected to provide the basis on which third parties can run various applications. Unfortunately, the project ended after roughly two years.
Almende joined the ACCUS project as a member of DevLab. Almende and DevLab focused chiefly on gathering and interpreting sensor data from heterogeneous sources, such as the urban embedded systems themselves, wireless sensor networks and mobile devices.
In addition, we developed prediction algorithms to allow the urban system-of-systems to anticipate real-life behaviour of occupants and other objects, such as cars.
The project contributed valuable techniques for heterogeneous sensor data analysis and fusion of different data sources into higher-level states, as well as predictive analytics techniques based on the data collected. These techniques offer applications in other mobility-related projects as well.
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