Smart Reasoning Systems for Wellbeing at Work and at Home
Duration: 10/2010 – 10/2015 Funding: COMMIT
Partners: TNO, Radboud Universiteit, Universiteit Twente, Novay, Roessingh R&D, Philips, Noldus, Sense Labs
The SWELL project aimed to keep employees happy and healthy in the workplace, increasing productivity and stimulating general well-being. This involved reducing both mental and physical stress and stimulating well-being and ‘well-working’. The project partners proposed to increase well-being by monitoring an individual’s activities and health status, and coaching them in order to stimulate healthy and productive behaviour. The project specifically targeted (nomadic) knowledge workers, which means that their working environment can be either in the office, at home, or anywhere else.
The activities monitored ranged from physical activities such as moving around and deep concentration, to patterns of information access for working, personal, or entertainment purposes. Monitoring is achieved using advanced sensing and reasoning techniques. The collected information is used to provide users with feedback and suggestions to avoid both physical and mental stress. This functionality is implemented as an unobtrusive coach or assistant that is tailored to the context and personality of the individual user.
In May 2013, Almende and its daughter company Sense Observation Systems stepped into the project, taking over the role of Ericsson. Sense provided their knowledge on interpreting raw sensor data in order to recognise different activities. They used their generic platform CommonSense to gather and manage all sensor data collected during the project. Almende was the leader of WP6 – Well-being applications for mental lifestyle changes. In this work package, we developed an integrated application for demonstration and validation purposes.
The project has already yielded valuable results about the workings of indoor localisation based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in practical settings (both at home and in the hospital). Furthermore, the application of Crownstone in a health setting has yielded insights about the added value of data gathered by the Crownstone for the health professional. For instance, by monitoring use of certain electrical devices, a health professional can determine whether someone is following a normal daily routine or requires help.
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